id | number Sheet Id. |
fromId | number The Id of the template from which to create the sheet. This attribute can be specified in a request, but is never present in a response. |
ownerId | number User Id of the sheet owner. |
accessLevel | string Enum: "ADMIN" "COMMENTER" "EDITOR" "EDITOR_SHARE" "OWNER" "VIEWER" |
Array of objects Array of Attachment objects. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains attachments. | |
cellImageUploadEnabled | boolean The sheet is enabled for cell images to be uploaded. |
Array of objects | |
string or number | |
Array of objects Array of CrossSheetReference objects. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains crossSheetReferences. | |
dependenciesEnabled | boolean Indicates whether dependencies are enabled. |
Array of objects Array of Discussion objects Only returned if the include query string parameter contains discussions. | |
effectiveAttachmentOptions | Array of strings Array of enum strings (see Attachment.attachmentType indicating the allowable attachment options for the current user and sheet. |
favorite | boolean (Deprecated) Returned only if the user has marked this sheet as a favorite in their Home tab (value = true). |
ganttEnabled | boolean Indicates whether "Gantt View" is enabled. |
hasSummaryFields | boolean Indicates whether a sheet summary is present. |
isMultiPicklistEnabled | boolean Indicates whether multi-select is enabled. |
string or number | |
name | string Sheet name. |
owner | string Email address of the sheet owner. |
permalink | string URL that represents a direct link to the sheet in Smartsheet. |
object Represents the project settings dependencies for a specific sheet. Project settings may be updated on sheets that the user has editor access. | |
readOnly | boolean Returned only if the sheet belongs to an expired trial (value = true). |
resourceManagementEnabled | boolean Indicates that resource management is enabled. |
resourceManagementType | string Resource Management type. Indicates the type of RM that is enabled. |
Array of objects | |
showParentRowsForFilters | boolean Returned only if there are column filters on the sheet. Value = true if "show parent rows" is enabled for the filters. |
object | |
object Represents the entire summary, or a list of defined fields and values, for a specific sheet. | |
totalRowCount | number The total number of rows in the sheet. |
object Describes the current user's editing permissions for a specific sheet. | |
object Represents individual user settings for a specific sheet. User settings may be updated even on sheets where the current user only has read access (for example, viewer permissions or a read-only sheet). | |
version | number A number that is incremented every time a sheet is modified. |
object |
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- {
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- "email": "",
- "name": "Jane Doe"
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- "name": "Jane Doe"
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- "title": "string",
- "validation": true
}, - "totalRowCount": 0,
- "userPermissions": {
- "summaryPermissions": "ADMIN"
}, - "userSettings": {
- "criticalPathEnabled": true,
- "displaySummaryTasks": true
}, - "version": 0,
- "workspace": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "accessLevel": "ADMIN",
- "permalink": "string"
columnId | number Column Id. |
operator | string Operator used to filter column values. |
values | Array of strings Present if a custom filter criteria's operator has one or more arguments. |
{- "columnId": 293452983475,
- "operator": "IS_ONE_OF",
- "values": [
- "Complete",
- "In progress"
id | number Filters Id. |
excludeSelected | boolean If true, rows containing cells matching the values or criteria items are excluded instead of included. |
filterType | string Enum: "PERSONAL" "SHARED" |
object |
{- "id": 52739485234,
- "excludeSelected": false,
- "filterType": "PERSONAL",
- "query": {
- "operator": "OR",
- "criteria": {
- "operator": "IS_ONE_OF",
- "values": [
- "Complete",
- "In Progress"
], - "columnId": 52793485233
}, - "includeParent": false
lengthOfDay | number [ 1 .. 24 ] Length of a workday for a project sheet. |
nonWorkingDays | Array of strings <date> Non-working days for a project sheet. |
workingDays | Array of strings Items Enum: "MONDAY" "TUESDAY" "WEDNESDAY" "THURSDAY" "FRIDAY" "SATURDAY" "SUNDAY" |
{- "lengthOfDay": 1,
- "nonWorkingDays": [
- "2019-08-24"
], - "workingDays": [
icalEnabled | boolean If true, a webcal is available for the calendar in the sheet. |
icalUrl | any URL for iCal view of the published sheet. Only returned in a response if icalEnabled = true. |
readOnlyFullAccessibleBy | string Indicates who can access the 'Read-Only Full' view of the published sheet:
Only returned in the response if readOnlyFullEnabled = true. |
readOnlyFullDefaultView | string Indicates which view the user has set for a read-only, default view of the published sheet. Must be one of the listed enum values. |
readOnlyFullEnabled | boolean If true, a rich version of the sheet is published with the ability to download row attachments and discussions. |
readOnlyFullShowToolbar | boolean Deprecated Indicates whether the left nav toolbar is displayed. The default, or true, is to display the toolbar. If false, hides the toolbar. |
readOnlyFullUrl | string URL for 'Read-Only Full' view of the published sheet. Only returned in a response if **readOnlyFullEnabled = true. |
readOnlyLiteEnabled | boolean If true, a lightweight version of the sheet is published without row attachments and discussions. |
readOnlyLiteSslUrl | string URL for 'Read-Only' view of the published sheet when SSL is enabled. |
readOnlyLiteUrl | string URL for 'Read-Only HTML' view of the published sheet. Only returned in a response if readOnlyLiteEnabled = true. |
readWriteAccessibleBy | string Indicates who can access the 'Edit by Anyone' view of the published sheet:
Only returned in the response if readWriteEnabled = true. |
readWriteDefaultView | string Indicates which view the user has set for a read-write, default view of the published sheet. Must be one of the listed enum values. |
readWriteEnabled | boolean If true,a rich version of the sheet is published with the ability to edit cells and manage attachments and discussions. |
readWriteShowToolbar | boolean Deprecated Indicates whether the left nav toolbar is displayed. The default, or true, is to display the toolbar. If false, hides the toolbar. |
readWriteUrl | string URL for 'Edit by Anyone' view of the published sheet. Only returned in a response if readWriteEnabled = true. |
{- "icalEnabled": true,
- "icalUrl": null,
- "readOnlyFullAccessibleBy": "ALL",
- "readOnlyFullDefaultView": "CALENDAR",
- "readOnlyFullEnabled": true,
- "readOnlyFullShowToolbar": true,
- "readOnlyFullUrl": "string",
- "readOnlyLiteEnabled": true,
- "readOnlyLiteSslUrl": "string",
- "readOnlyLiteUrl": "string",
- "readWriteAccessibleBy": "ALL",
- "readWriteDefaultView": "CALENDAR",
- "readWriteEnabled": true,
- "readWriteShowToolbar": true,
- "readWriteUrl": "string"
summaryPermissions | string One of:
{- "summaryPermissions": "ADMIN"
criticalPathEnabled | boolean Does this user have "Show Critical Path" turned on for this sheet? NOTE: This setting only has an effect on project sheets with dependencies enabled. |
displaySummaryTasks | boolean Does this user have "Display Summary Tasks" turned on for this sheet? Applies only to sheets where "Calendar View" has been configured. |
{- "criticalPathEnabled": true,
- "displaySummaryTasks": true
columnId | number |
direction | string Default: "ASCENDING" Direction of the sort. |
{- "columnId": 0,
- "direction": "ASCENDING"
Array of objects Specifies sort order. Array is in priority order. |
{- "sortCriteria": [
- {
- "columnId": 0,
- "direction": "ASCENDING"
id | number The Id of the dashboard, report, sheet, or template from which the enclosing dashboard, report, sheet, or template was created. |
type | string report, sheet, sight (aka dashboard), or template. |
{- "id": 0,
- "type": "string"