object | |
Array of objects An array of Sheet objects (without rows), representing the sheets that rows in the report originated from. Only included in the Get Report response if the include parameter specifies sourceSheets. | |
isSummaryReport | boolean A boolean to represent whether the report is a sheet summary report or not. If this property is false, it is a row report. |
id | number Sheet Id. |
fromId | number The Id of the template from which to create the sheet. This attribute can be specified in a request, but is never present in a response. |
ownerId | number User Id of the sheet owner. |
accessLevel | string Enum: "ADMIN" "COMMENTER" "EDITOR" "EDITOR_SHARE" "OWNER" "VIEWER" |
Array of objects Array of Attachment objects. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains attachments. | |
cellImageUploadEnabled | boolean The sheet is enabled for cell images to be uploaded. |
Array of objects | |
string or number | |
Array of objects Array of CrossSheetReference objects. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains crossSheetReferences. | |
dependenciesEnabled | boolean Indicates whether dependencies are enabled. |
Array of objects Array of Discussion objects Only returned if the include query string parameter contains discussions. | |
effectiveAttachmentOptions | Array of strings Array of enum strings (see Attachment.attachmentType indicating the allowable attachment options for the current user and sheet. |
favorite | boolean (Deprecated) Returned only if the user has marked this sheet as a favorite in their Home tab (value = true). |
ganttEnabled | boolean Indicates whether "Gantt View" is enabled. |
hasSummaryFields | boolean Indicates whether a sheet summary is present. |
isMultiPicklistEnabled | boolean Indicates whether multi-select is enabled. |
string or number | |
name | string Sheet name. |
owner | string Email address of the sheet owner. |
permalink | string URL that represents a direct link to the sheet in Smartsheet. |
object Represents the project settings dependencies for a specific sheet. Project settings may be updated on sheets that the user has editor access. | |
readOnly | boolean Returned only if the sheet belongs to an expired trial (value = true). |
resourceManagementEnabled | boolean Indicates that resource management is enabled. |
resourceManagementType | string Resource Management type. Indicates the type of RM that is enabled. |
Array of objects | |
showParentRowsForFilters | boolean Returned only if there are column filters on the sheet. Value = true if "show parent rows" is enabled for the filters. |
object | |
object Represents the entire summary, or a list of defined fields and values, for a specific sheet. | |
totalRowCount | number The total number of rows in the sheet. |
object Describes the current user's editing permissions for a specific sheet. | |
object Represents individual user settings for a specific sheet. User settings may be updated even on sheets where the current user only has read access (for example, viewer permissions or a read-only sheet). | |
version | number A number that is incremented every time a sheet is modified. |
object |
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virtualColumnId | number This property refers to the cell's parent column in the report, while the columnId property refers to the cell's parent column in its originating source sheet. |
columnId | number The Id of the column that the cell is located in. |
columnType | string Only returned if the include query string parameter contains columnType. |
conditionalFormat | string The format descriptor describing this cell's conditional format. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains format and this cell has a conditional format applied. |
displayValue | string Visual representation of cell contents, as presented to the user in the UI. |
format | string The format descriptor. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains format and this cell has a non-default format applied. |
formula | string The formula for a cell, if set, for instance =COUNTM([Assigned To]3). Note that calculation errors or problems with a formula do not cause the API call to return an error code. Instead, the response contains the same value as in the UI, such as cell.value = "#CIRCULAR REFERENCE". |
object | |
object | |
object | |
Array of objects | |
AbstractDatetimeObjectValue (object) or CheckboxObjectValue (object) or ContactObjectValue (object) or DateObjectValue (object) or DatetimeObjectValue (object) or DurationObjectValue (object) or MultiContactObjectValue (object) or MultiPicklistObjectValue (object) or PredecessorListObjectValue (object) The base object for values found in the Cell.objectValue attribute. Its objectType attribute indicates the type of the object. This object itself is not used directly. | |
overrideValidation | boolean (Admin only) Indicates whether the cell value can contain a value outside of the validation limits (value = true). When using this parameter, you must also set strict to false to bypass value type checking. This property is honored for POST or PUT actions that update rows. |
strict | boolean Set to false to enable lenient parsing. Defaults to true. You can specify this attribute in a request, but it is never present in a response. |
string or number or boolean A string, number, or a Boolean value -- depending on the cell type and the data in the cell. Cell values larger than 4000 characters are silently truncated. An empty cell returns no value. |
{- "virtualColumnId": 0,
- "columnId": 0,
- "columnType": "string",
- "conditionalFormat": "string",
- "displayValue": "string",
- "format": "string",
- "formula": "string",
- "hyperlink": {
- "reportId": 0,
- "sheetId": 0,
- "sightId": 0,
- "url": "string"
}, - "image": {
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- "height": 0,
- "id": "string",
- "width": 0
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- "columnId": 0,
- "rowId": 0,
- "sheetId": 0,
- "sheetName": "string",
- "status": "BLOCKED"
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- "rowId": 0,
- "sheetId": 0,
- "sheetName": "string",
- "status": "BLOCKED"
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- "objectType": "ABSTRACT_DATETIME",
- "value": "2025-03-03T16:59:59"
}, - "overrideValidation": true,
- "strict": true,
- "value": "string"
virtualId | number The virtual Id of this report column. |
sheetNameColumn | boolean Returns true only for the special "Sheet Name" report column. |
object Object that describes how the the System Column type of "AUTO_NUMBER" is auto-generated. | |
Array of objects Array of ContactOption objects to specify a pre-defined list of values for the column. Column type must be CONTACT_LIST. | |
description | string Column description. |
format | string The format descriptor (see Formatting). Only returned if the include query string parameter contains format and this column has a non-default format applied to it. |
formula | string The formula for the column, if set. |
hidden | boolean Indicates whether the column is hidden. |
id | number Column Id. |
index | number Column index or position. This number is zero-based. |
locked | boolean Indicates whether the column is locked. In a response, a value of true indicates that the column has been locked by the sheet owner or the admin. |
lockedForUser | boolean Indicates whether the column is locked for the requesting user. This attribute may be present in a response, but cannot be specified in a request. |
options | Array of strings Array of the options available for the column. |
primary | boolean Returned only if the column is the Primary Column (value = true). |
symbol | string When applicable for CHECKBOX or PICKLIST column types. See Symbol Columns. |
systemColumnType | string See System Columns. |
tags | Array of strings Set of tags to indicate special columns. Each element in the array is set to one of the listed enum values. |
title | string Column title. |
type | string See Column Types |
validation | boolean Indicates whether validation has been enabled for the column (value = true). |
version | number
width | number Display width of the column in pixels. |
{- "virtualId": 0,
- "sheetNameColumn": true,
- "autoNumberFormat": {
- "fill": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "startingNumber": 0,
- "suffix": "string"
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- {
- "email": "string",
- "name": "string"
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- "options": [
- "string"
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- "width": 0
sheetId | number The Id of the sheet from which the row originates. |
id | number Row Id. |
siblingId | number Sibling Id. |
accessLevel | string Enum: "ADMIN" "COMMENTER" "EDITOR" "EDITOR_SHARE" "OWNER" "VIEWER" |
Array of objects Attachments on row. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains attachments. | |
Array of objects Cells belonging to the row. | |
Array of objects Columns of row. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains columns. | |
conditionalFormat | string Describes this row's conditional format. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains format and this row has a conditional format applied. |
string or number | |
object User object containing name and email of the creator of this row. | |
Array of objects Discussions on the row. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains discussions. | |
object Object containing zero or more media items, including images, videos, and documents, for review, editing, or approval. | |
expanded | boolean Indicates whether the row is expanded or collapsed. |
filteredOut | boolean Indicates if the row is filtered out by a column filter. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains filters. |
format | string Format descriptor. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains format and this row has a non-default format applied. |
inCriticalPath | boolean Only returned, with a value of true, if the sheet is a project sheet with dependencies enabled and this row is in the critical path. |
locked | boolean Indicates whether the row is locked. |
lockedForUser | boolean Indicates whether the row is locked for the requesting user. |
string or number | |
object User object containing name and email of the last person to modify this row. | |
permaLink | string URL that represents a direct link to the row in Smartsheet. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains rowPermalink. |
rowNumber | number >= 1 Row number within the sheet. |
version | number Sheet version number that is incremented every time a sheet is modified. |
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readOnlyFullAccessibleBy | string Indicates who can access the 'Read-Only Full' view of the published report:
Only returned in a response if readOnlyFullEnabled = true. |
readOnlyFullDefaultView | string Indicates which view the user has set for a read-only, default view of the published report. Must be one of the following values: CALENDAR, CARD, or GRID. |
readOnlyFullEnabled | boolean (Required) If true, a rich version of the report is published with the ability to download row attachments and discussions. |
readOnlyFullShowToolbar | boolean Deprecated Indicates whether the left nav toolbar is displayed. The default, or true, is to display the toolbar. If false, hides the toolbar. |
readOnlyFullUrl | string URL for 'Read-Only Full' view of the published report. Only returned in a response if readOnlyFullEnabled = true. |
{- "readOnlyFullAccessibleBy": "string",
- "readOnlyFullDefaultView": "string",
- "readOnlyFullEnabled": true,
- "readOnlyFullShowToolbar": true,
- "readOnlyFullUrl": "string"
Array of objects Array of Sheet objects (containing just the sheet Id) of any sheets that the requester has access to that make up the report. | |
Array of objects Array of Workspace objects (containing just the workspace Id) that the requester has access to that make up the report. |
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