List all Reports accessible to the user.
) string or number When specified with a date and time value, response only includes the objects that are modified on or after the date and time specified. If you need to keep track of frequent changes, it may be more useful to use Get Sheet Version. |
Authorization | string API Access Token used to authenticate requests to Smartsheet APIs. Example: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789 |
curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789"
{- "pageNumber": 1,
- "pageSize": 50,
- "totalPages": 25,
- "totalCount": 136,
- "data": [
- {
- "id": 987654321,
- "name": "Q2 Earnings",
- "accessLevel": "ADMIN",
- "isSummaryReport": true
Gets a report based on the specified ID
reportId required | number reportID of the report being accessed. |
accessApiLevel | number Default: 0 Allows COMMENTER access for inputs and return values. For backwards-compatibility, VIEWER is the default. For example, to see whether a user has COMMENTER access for a sheet, use accessApiLevel=1. |
include | string A comma-separated list of optional elements to include in the response:
exclude | string A comma-separated list of optional elements to not include in the response |
pageSize | number Default: 100 The maximum number of items to return per page. Unless otherwise stated for a specific endpoint, defaults to 100. If only page is specified, defaults to a page size of 100. For reports, the default is 100 rows. If you need larger sets of data from your report, returns a maximum of 10,000 rows per request. |
page | number Default: 1 Which page to return. Defaults to 1 if not specified. If you specify a value greater than the total number of pages, the last page of results is returned. |
level | integer Default: 0 specifies whether new functionality, such as multi-contact data is returned in a backwards-compatible, text format (level=0, default), multi-contact data (level=1), or multi-picklist data (level=3). |
Authorization | string API Access Token used to authenticate requests to Smartsheet APIs. Example: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789 |
Accept | string The Accept request-header field can be used to specify certain media types which are acceptable for the response. |
// Sample 1: Get report curl{reportId}?level=3&include=objectValue \ -H "Authorization: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789" // Sample 2: Get report as Excel curl{reportId} \ -H "Authorization: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789" \ -H "Accept: application/" \ -o output.xlsx // Sample 3: Get report as CSV curl{reportId} \ -H "Authorization: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789" \ -H "Accept: text/csv" \ -o output.csv
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Sends the report as a PDF attachment via email to the designated recipients
reportId required | number reportID of the report being accessed. |
Authorization | string API Access Token used to authenticate requests to Smartsheet APIs. Example: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789 |
Content-Type | string Default: application/json Required for POST and PUT requests. Defines the structure for the request body. |
format | string One of the following values: EXCEL, PDF, or PDF_GANTT. |
object | |
ccMe | boolean Indicates whether to send a copy of the email to the sender. |
message | string The message of the email. |
Array of objects or objects Array of recipients. | |
subject | string The subject of the email. |
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Get a Report's publish settings based on the specified ID
reportId required | number reportID of the report being accessed. |
Authorization | string API Access Token used to authenticate requests to Smartsheet APIs. Example: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789 |
curl{reportId}/publish \ -H "Authorization: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789"
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Sets the publish status of the report and returns the new status, including the URL of any enabled publishing.
reportId required | number reportID of the report being accessed. |
Authorization | string API Access Token used to authenticate requests to Smartsheet APIs. Example: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789 |
Content-Type | string Default: application/json Required for POST and PUT requests. Defines the structure for the request body. |
readOnlyFullAccessibleBy | string Indicates who can access the 'Read-Only Full' view of the published report:
Only returned in a response if readOnlyFullEnabled = true. |
readOnlyFullDefaultView | string Indicates which view the user has set for a read-only, default view of the published report. Must be one of the following values: CALENDAR, CARD, or GRID. |
readOnlyFullEnabled | boolean (Required) If true, a rich version of the report is published with the ability to download row attachments and discussions. |
readOnlyFullShowToolbar | boolean Deprecated Indicates whether the left nav toolbar is displayed. The default, or true, is to display the toolbar. If false, hides the toolbar. |
readOnlyFullUrl | string URL for 'Read-Only Full' view of the published report. Only returned in a response if readOnlyFullEnabled = true. |
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