
List Events

Gets events that are occurring in your Smartsheet organization account. Examples of events are creation, update, load, and delete of sheets, reports, dashboards, attachments, users, etc.

Each event type has a distinct combination of objectType and action. Many event types have additional information returned under an additionalDetails object. See the Event Reporting reference documentation for a complete list of all currently supported events, including their respective objectType, action, and additionalDetails properties.

query Parameters
string <date-time>

The earliest time from which events are included in the response. Events before this time are excluded. This parameter is intended for use when backfilling data at client startup or recovery--don't use it for fine-grained date-based queries. Therefore, resolution is limited to the nearest hour. The value is interpreted as ISO-8601 format, unless numericDates is specified (see details about numericDates below).

You must pass in a value for either since or streamPosition and never both.

string <date-time>

The latest time up to which events are included in the response. Events after this time are excluded. The to parameter requires using the since query parameter (above). This parameter is intended for use when backfilling data at client startup or recovery--don't use it for fine-grained date-based queries. Therefore, resolution is limited to the nearest hour. The value is interpreted as ISO-8601 format, unless numericDates is specified (see details about numericDates below).

If to is a future time, the current time is used. If to equals the since time, an empty data value is returned. If to is before the since time, an error is returned.


Indicates next set of events to return. Use value of nextStreamPosition returned from the previous call. You must pass in a value for either since or streamPosition and never both.

Example: streamPosition=XyzAb1234cdefghijklmnofpq
integer [ 1 .. 10000 ]
Default: 1000

Maximum number of events to return as response to this call. Must be between 1 through 10,000 (inclusive). Defaults to 1,000 if not specified.

Default: false

If true, dates are accepted and returned in Unix epoch time (milliseconds since midnight on January 1, 1970 in UTC time). Default is false, which means ISO-8601 format.


The target managed plan for which to list events. Authorized if the caller is a system administrator on either the target managed plan or the main plan in EPM hierarchy.

header Parameters

Strongly recommended to make sure payload is compressed. Must be set to one of the following values:

  • deflate
  • gzip
Enum: "deflate" "gzip"

API Access Token used to authenticate requests to Smartsheet APIs.

Example: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789


Request samples

curl -i -X GET \
  '' \
  -H 'Accept-Encoding: deflate' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>'

Response samples

Content type
  • "nextStreamPosition": "XyzAb1234cdefghijklmnofpq",
  • "moreAvailable": true,
  • "data": [

List Filtered Events

Gets the events that are occurring in a Smartsheet organization account for resources to which the current user has access to. This endpoint will return events related to the creation, update, load, and delete of sheets, attachments, discussion, workspaces and groups.

Each event type has a distinct combination of objectType and action. Many event types have additional information returned under an additionalDetails object. See the Event Reporting reference documentation for a complete list of all currently supported events, including their respective objectType, action, and additionalDetails properties.

header Parameters

Strongly recommended to make sure payload is compressed. Must be set to one of the following values:

  • deflate
  • gzip
Enum: "deflate" "gzip"

API Access Token used to authenticate requests to Smartsheet APIs.

Example: Bearer JKlMNOpQ12RStUVwxYZAbcde3F5g6hijklM789
Request Body schema: application/json
Array of strings

Array of sheet Ids used to filter events. Only events related to the specified sheet Ids are returned.

Array of strings

Array of workspace Ids used to filter events. Only events related to the specified workspace Ids are returned.

string <date-time>

The earliest time from which events are included in the response. Events before this time are excluded. This field is intended for use when backfilling data at client startup or recovery--don't use it for fine-grained date-based queries. Therefore, resolution is limited to the nearest hour. The value is interpreted as ISO-8601 format, unless numericDates is specified (see details about numericDates below).

You must pass in a value for either since or streamPosition and never both.

string <date-time>

The latest time up to which events are included in the response. Events after this time are excluded. The to field requires using the since body field (above). This field is intended for use when backfilling data at client startup or recovery--don't use it for fine-grained date-based queries. Therefore, resolution is limited to the nearest hour. The value is interpreted as ISO-8601 format, unless numericDates is specified (see details about numericDates below).

If to is a future time, the current time is used. If to equals the since time, an empty data value is returned. If to is before the since time, an error is returned.


Indicates next set of events to return. Use value of nextStreamPosition returned from the previous call. You must pass in a value for either since or streamPosition and never both.

integer [ 1 .. 10000 ]
Default: 1000

Maximum number of events to return as response to this call. Must be between 1 through 10,000 (inclusive). Defaults to 1,000 if not specified.

Default: false

If true, dates are accepted and returned in Unix epoch time (milliseconds since midnight on January 1, 1970 in UTC time). Default is false, which means ISO-8601 format.


The target managed plan for which to list events. Authorized if the caller is a licensed user on either the target managed plan or the main plan in EPM hierarchy.


Request samples

Content type
  • "sheetIds": [
  • "workspaceIds": [
  • "since": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "to": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
  • "streamPosition": "XyzAb1234cdefghijklmnofpq",
  • "maxCount": 1000,
  • "numericDates": false,
  • "managedPlanId": 0

Response samples

Content type
  • "nextStreamPosition": "XyzAb1234cdefghijklmnofpq",
  • "moreAvailable": true,
  • "data": [
  • "unavailableSheetIds": [
  • "unavailableWorkspaceIds": [
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