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Column Types

Smartsheet supports the following standard column types, which are represented in a Column object with a type attribute set to one of the following:

Column Type Column.type Value Notes
Checkbox CHECKBOX Checkbox, star, and flag types
Contact List CONTACT_LIST List containing contacts or roles for a project. NOTE: You can use the contactOptions property to specify a pre-defined list of values for the column, which can also become lanes in card view.
Contact List MULTI_CONTACT_LIST List where single cells can contain more than one contact. Only visible when using a query parameter of level and the value appropriate to the dashboard, report, or sheet that you are querying. To see email addresses behind the display names, combine an include=objectValue query parameter with a level query parameter.
Date/Time ABSTRACT_DATETIME Represents a project sheet's start and end dates.
Only for dependency-enabled project sheets
The API does not support setting a column to this type. (This can only be done through the Smartsheet Web app when configuring a project sheet.) Additionally, the API does not support updating data in the "End Date" column under any circumstance, and does not support updating data in the "Start Date" column if "Predecessor" is set for that row.
Date/Time DATETIME Used only by the following system-generated columns:
  • Created (Date) (Column.systemColumnType = CREATED_DATE)
  • Modified (Date) (Column.systemColumnType = MODIFIED_DATE)
Dropdown List PICKLIST Custom, RYG, Harvey ball, priority types, etc.
Dropdown List MULTI_PICKLIST List where single cells can contain more than one dropdown item. Only visible when using a query parameter of level and the value appropriate to the dashboard, report, or sheet that you are querying. To see multi-picklist values behind the display names, combine an include=objectValue query parameter with a level query parameter.
Duration DURATION Only for dependency-enabled project sheets
The API does not support setting a column to this type. (This can only be done through the Smartsheet Web app when configuring a project sheet.)
Predecessor PREDECESSOR Defines what must happen first in a project flow. For more information, see the Predecessor object. Only for dependency-enabled project sheets

NOTE: See the Cell Reference section for information on getting and setting cell values for the different column types.

Symbol Columns

In addition to the basic column types above, the Smartsheet app also supports columns that display symbols. These are specialized columns of type CHECKBOX or PICKLIST, whose symbol attribute is set to one of the values below:

Symbols for CHECKBOX columns:

Value Example
FLAG A flag symbol
STAR A star symbol

Symbols for PICKLIST columns:

Value Example
ARROWS_3_WAY An arrows_3_way symbol
ARROWS_4_WAY An arrows_4_way symbol
ARROWS_5_WAY An arrows_5_way symbol
DECISION_SHAPES A decision_shapes symbol
DECISION_SYMBOLS A decision_symbols symbol
DIRECTIONS_3_WAY A directions_3_way symbol
DIRECTIONS_4_WAY A directions_4_way symbol
EFFORT An effort symbol
HARVEY_BALLS A harvey_balls symbol
HEARTS A hearts symbol
MONEY A money symbol
PAIN A pain symbol
PRIORITY A priority symbol
PRIORITY_HML A priority_hml symbol
PROGRESS A progress symbol
RYG An RYG symbol
RYGB An RYGB symbol
RYGG An RYGG symbol
SIGNAL A signal symbol
SKI A ski symbol
STAR_RATING A star_rating symbol
VCR A VCR symbol
WEATHER A weather symbol

NOTE: The Smartsheet grid user interface presents several row attributes and features visually as columns, for example, attachments, discussions, row action indicator, or row number. The API does not consider these to be columns, and does not return or otherwise expose them as columns. The only columns returned by the API are user data columns.

System Columns

In addition to the standard column types and symbols, Smartsheet has a number of system columns, which represent data that is filled in by Smartsheet and whose values cannot be changed by the user. These columns are represented with standard column types, with the Column.systemColumnType attribute set to one of the following:

Column.systemColumnType Value Column Type Notes
AUTO_NUMBER TEXT_NUMBER Columns of this system column type include an AutoNumberFormat object that describes the mask used to generate the value.
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