columnId | number The Id of the column that the cell is located in. |
columnType | string Only returned if the include query string parameter contains columnType. |
conditionalFormat | string The format descriptor describing this cell's conditional format. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains format and this cell has a conditional format applied. |
displayValue | string Visual representation of cell contents, as presented to the user in the UI. |
format | string The format descriptor. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains format and this cell has a non-default format applied. |
formula | string The formula for a cell, if set, for instance =COUNTM([Assigned To]3). Note that calculation errors or problems with a formula do not cause the API call to return an error code. Instead, the response contains the same value as in the UI, such as cell.value = "#CIRCULAR REFERENCE". |
object | |
object | |
object | |
Array of objects | |
AbstractDatetimeObjectValue (object) or CheckboxObjectValue (object) or ContactObjectValue (object) or DateObjectValue (object) or DatetimeObjectValue (object) or DurationObjectValue (object) or MultiContactObjectValue (object) or MultiPicklistObjectValue (object) or PredecessorListObjectValue (object) The base object for values found in the Cell.objectValue attribute. Its objectType attribute indicates the type of the object. This object itself is not used directly. | |
overrideValidation | boolean (Admin only) Indicates whether the cell value can contain a value outside of the validation limits (value = true). When using this parameter, you must also set strict to false to bypass value type checking. This property is honored for POST or PUT actions that update rows. |
strict | boolean Set to false to enable lenient parsing. Defaults to true. You can specify this attribute in a request, but it is never present in a response. |
string or number or boolean A string, number, or a Boolean value -- depending on the cell type and the data in the cell. Cell values larger than 4000 characters are silently truncated. An empty cell returns no value. |
{- "columnId": 0,
- "columnType": "string",
- "conditionalFormat": "string",
- "displayValue": "string",
- "format": "string",
- "formula": "string",
- "hyperlink": {
- "reportId": 0,
- "sheetId": 0,
- "sightId": 0,
- "url": "string"
}, - "image": {
- "altText": "string",
- "height": 0,
- "id": "string",
- "width": 0
}, - "linkInFromCell": {
- "columnId": 0,
- "rowId": 0,
- "sheetId": 0,
- "sheetName": "string",
- "status": "BLOCKED"
}, - "linksOutToCells": [
- {
- "columnId": 0,
- "rowId": 0,
- "sheetId": 0,
- "sheetName": "string",
- "status": "BLOCKED"
], - "objectValue": {
- "objectType": "ABSTRACT_DATETIME",
- "value": "2025-03-03T16:59:59"
}, - "overrideValidation": true,
- "strict": true,
- "value": "string"
string or number | |
object User object containing the name and email of the user that made the change. | |
columnId | number The Id of the column that the cell is located in. |
columnType | string Only returned if the include query string parameter contains columnType. |
conditionalFormat | string The format descriptor describing this cell's conditional format. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains format and this cell has a conditional format applied. |
displayValue | string Visual representation of cell contents, as presented to the user in the UI. |
format | string The format descriptor. Only returned if the include query string parameter contains format and this cell has a non-default format applied. |
formula | string The formula for a cell, if set, for instance =COUNTM([Assigned To]3). Note that calculation errors or problems with a formula do not cause the API call to return an error code. Instead, the response contains the same value as in the UI, such as cell.value = "#CIRCULAR REFERENCE". |
object | |
object | |
object | |
Array of objects | |
AbstractDatetimeObjectValue (object) or CheckboxObjectValue (object) or ContactObjectValue (object) or DateObjectValue (object) or DatetimeObjectValue (object) or DurationObjectValue (object) or MultiContactObjectValue (object) or MultiPicklistObjectValue (object) or PredecessorListObjectValue (object) The base object for values found in the Cell.objectValue attribute. Its objectType attribute indicates the type of the object. This object itself is not used directly. | |
overrideValidation | boolean (Admin only) Indicates whether the cell value can contain a value outside of the validation limits (value = true). When using this parameter, you must also set strict to false to bypass value type checking. This property is honored for POST or PUT actions that update rows. |
strict | boolean Set to false to enable lenient parsing. Defaults to true. You can specify this attribute in a request, but it is never present in a response. |
string or number or boolean A string, number, or a Boolean value -- depending on the cell type and the data in the cell. Cell values larger than 4000 characters are silently truncated. An empty cell returns no value. |
{- "modifiedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "modifiedBy": {
- "email": "",
- "name": "Jane Doe"
}, - "columnId": 0,
- "columnType": "string",
- "conditionalFormat": "string",
- "displayValue": "string",
- "format": "string",
- "formula": "string",
- "hyperlink": {
- "reportId": 0,
- "sheetId": 0,
- "sightId": 0,
- "url": "string"
}, - "image": {
- "altText": "string",
- "height": 0,
- "id": "string",
- "width": 0
}, - "linkInFromCell": {
- "columnId": 0,
- "rowId": 0,
- "sheetId": 0,
- "sheetName": "string",
- "status": "BLOCKED"
}, - "linksOutToCells": [
- {
- "columnId": 0,
- "rowId": 0,
- "sheetId": 0,
- "sheetName": "string",
- "status": "BLOCKED"
], - "objectValue": {
- "objectType": "ABSTRACT_DATETIME",
- "value": "2025-03-03T16:59:59"
}, - "overrideValidation": true,
- "strict": true,
- "value": "string"
columnId | number Column Id of the linked cell. |
rowId | number Row Id of the linked cell. |
sheetId | number Sheet Id of the sheet that the linked cell belongs to. |
sheetName | string Sheet name of the linked cell. |
status | string
{- "columnId": 0,
- "rowId": 0,
- "sheetId": 0,
- "sheetName": "string",
- "status": "BLOCKED"
days | number The number of days for this duration. |
elapsed | boolean If true, indicates this duration represents elapsed time, which ignores non-working time. |
hours | number The number of hours for this duration. |
milliseconds | number The number of milliseconds for this duration. |
minutes | number The number of minutes for this duration. |
negative | boolean When used as a predecessor's lag value, indicates whether the lag is negative (if true), or positive (false). The individual duration values themselves (for example, days, hours, or minutes) is always positive. |
objectType | string Value: "DURATION" |
seconds | number The number of seconds for this duration. |
weeks | number The number of weeks for this duration. |
{- "days": 0,
- "elapsed": true,
- "hours": 0,
- "milliseconds": 0,
- "minutes": 0,
- "negative": true,
- "objectType": "DURATION",
- "seconds": 0,
- "weeks": 0
reportId | number If non-null, this hyperlink is a link to the report with this Id. |
sheetId | number If non-null, this hyperlink is a link to the sheet with this Id. |
sightId | number If non-null, this hyperlink is a link to the dashboard with this Id. |
url | string When the hyperlink is a URL link, this property contains the URL value. When the hyperlink is a dashboard/report/sheet link (that is, dashboardId, reportId, or sheetId is non-null), this property contains the permalink to the dashboard, report, or sheet. |
{- "reportId": 0,
- "sheetId": 0,
- "sightId": 0,
- "url": "string"
objectType required | string Value: "ABSTRACT_DATETIME" |
value | string <date-time> Datetime, in the date-time format defined by RFC 3339, section 5.6 |
{- "objectType": "ABSTRACT_DATETIME",
- "value": "2025-03-03T16:59:59"
rowId | number The Id of the predecessor row. |
type | string Type of the predecessor:
inCriticalPath | boolean True if this predecessor is in the critical path. |
invalid | boolean True if the row referenced by rowId is not a valid row in this sheet, or there is a circular reference (displayed in the Smartsheet app as "#REF") Omitted if false. |
object In a project sheet, represents a value in a duration cell, or a lag value of a predecessor. | |
rowNumber | number The row number of the predecessor row. Omitted if invalid is true. |
{- "rowId": "1234567890123456,",
- "rowNumber": "2,",
- "type": "FS,",
- "inCriticalPath": true
objectType | string Value: "PREDECESSOR_LIST" |
Array of objects List of references to rows on which the current row depends |
{- "objectType": "PREDECESSOR_LIST",
- "predecessors": [
- {
- "rowId": "1234567890123456,",
- "rowNumber": "2,",
- "type": "FS,",
- "inCriticalPath": true